Sprunghilfe zu Stiftung Fly & Help Stiftung Fly & Help

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The aim of the Reiner Meutsch Foundation FLY & HELP is the promotion of education. With the help of the donors, the foundation set up schools in developing countries.
Fundaising tour with live performances by  Adesa (Ghana) and Yma America (Venezuela)       
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Sprunghilfe zu Weltmusik in Hessen : 2017 - 2019 Weltmusik in Hessen : 2017 - 2019

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The project 'World Music in Hesse' is organized by the non-profit cultural fund Frankfurt RheinMain and takes place within the framework of the 'Transit'. World music concerts are hold in seven smaller cities in the cosmopolitan Frankfurt Rhein-Main region.

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Sprunghilfe zu Post-Colonia(les) Stadtrauschen Post-Colonia(les) Stadtrauschen

Details | 0Five special concerts with orginal compositions with Cologne based bands and stories and music styles from Rhineland.

Premiere at Cologne Music Night 2015

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Sprunghilfe zu UNTERWEGS - World Music Concerts UNTERWEGS - World Music Concerts

Details | 0World music series at Berliner Philharmonie
automne 2012 - spring 2016

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Sprunghilfe zu Jüdische Kulturtage im Rheinland Jüdische Kulturtage im Rheinland

Details | 0Jewish culture days in the Rhineland

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Sprunghilfe zu Frühling der Kulturen Frühling der Kulturen

Details | 02. Kölner Musikfest
Newroz - Nouruz: Frühling der Kulturen 2012

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Sprunghilfe zu Creole Creole

Details | 0Creole - Deutschland 2006 - 2008
Global Music Contest

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Sprunghilfe zu Musica Sacra Paderborn Musica Sacra Paderborn

Details | 0Musica Sacra Festival Paderborn - Klangkosmos Islam Editions 2003 - 2009

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Sprunghilfe zu Imaginäre Türkei Imaginäre Türkei

Details | 0Music of the imaginary Turkey

Concert series and conferences in North Rhine Westphalia 2003

Presentation of the research and book by Dr. Martin Greve about the Turkish music scene in Germany  

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Sprunghilfe zu Kemnade Festival Kemnade Festival

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Festival Kemnade International - edition 'Orient inside' 2001 - in the Ruhr area in Germany with music from Turkey and the Turkish diaspora in Europe

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